Monday, October 11, 2010

Bees, Colony Collapse Disorder, Fungus and Virus, Pesticides, Bayer

Last week the New York Times published an article about a research paper that suggests a cause of the disturbing colony collapse disorder killing off our honey bees. A combination of a fungus and a virus, both found in the bees' guts, is the culprit, the study suggested.

But now there's an article in Fortune magazine, published on the CNN/Money Web site, that calls into question the impartiality of that study. Turns out one of the lead scientists is receiving money from Bayer. Bayer makes a pesticide that many beekeepers and other scientists suspect of playing a major - perhaps primary - role in colony collapse disorder.

My money is on the pesticide, which appears to weaken the bees to the point where other problems (such as fungi and viruses) can finish them off.

Read the article

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